Sunday, October 25, 2015

Frog News October 25

Frog Class News

Safety Month

The children have been learning a lot about safety. We have practiced fire drills with the whole school and a lockdown with Mr. Goldsmith. They have been really attentive during these and have done a great job. The children also practiced a bus evacuation with the bus drivers and Mr. Fosher spoke to all of the kindergarten children about bus safety. Mrs. Griffith, our school guidance counselor spoke to the children and showed them a video about personal safety. Some key points made were:

You own your body.
If someone tries to touch you in a spot that would be covered by your bathing suit you should yell no, get away, and tell an adult right away.


 We read the book, Yuck Soup, by Joy Cowley and then made our own versions, Yuck Soup and Yum Soup. The children had a lot of fun doing that.We have been reading up a storm during Readers' Workshop. The children have been sharing with their partners and making thoughtful connections to themselves and other books. During Writers' Workshop they have been asking lots of questions to add more details to their writing. They have also been working on stretching out the words to write all the sounds they hear.

I am in the middle of assessing the children. We have completed Unit 2. They have been having fun playing lots of math games and practicing number stories.

Upcoming Events

  • 10/29 - Picture Retakes
  • Halloween Celebration - 10/30

  • Early Releases - 11/5 & 11/18 for Parent Teacher Conferences
  • No School - 11/6 Teacher Workshop
  • No School - 11/11 Veterans' Day (Welcome home, Mr. Poteet!)
  • Thanksgiving Break - 11/25-11/27
  • Word of the Week - see
  • Phonics - a
  • Handwriting L & U

Enjoy the Foliage!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Newsletter October 3

Frog Class News

The children are doing a great job entering the building and they do not need their bus tags any more. 

Language Arts:
We have practiced the sight word, he, this week. The children found it in the book, Little Brother by Joy Cowley. They also did a search paper, stamped it in play dough, and did a "magic" painting to reveal the word. We have practiced the letters, D & P, in our handwriting books, on the iPads, and with wiki sticks.
Readers" Workshop has officially started and the children got their own book bins. They have been really enjoying Writers' Workshop and are keeping their wonderful stories in their own folders. 
We have enjoyed playing dice games. The children are learning how to recognize how many dots there are without counting. We have also tried some counting on. The class continues to explore shapes. 
Our temperature graph provides us with some good information about temperature changes as the season changes. The weather graph, in their calendar binders, kept track of sunny and cloudy days for our days in school during the month of September.
Upcoming Events:
Handwriting letters: B & R
Phonics: k & g
Sight word: no
Book: No David by David Shannon
Song: Apples & Bananas
Cider Hill Field Trip -10/7
No School - 10/12
Music Hall Field Trip - 10/14

October is Safety Month, please help your child practice your telephone number and address.