Monday, November 28, 2016

Native American Names

 Thunder Cloud

 Running Deer

 Two Moons
 Running Beaver
 Striped Wolf

 Friendship Arrow
 Two Arrow
 Mountain Star
 Little Butterfly
 Running Wolf

 Snow Owl
 Medicine Man

Little Mouse

Morning Bird

Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016


The children have been having a lot of fun learning about Native Americans and Thanksgiving. We have talked about how some things they hear are real and some are pretend. I taught on the Navajo Reservation at the beginning of my career and I enjoy sharing stories about the culture. We learned that a tipi is not the only kind of Native American home, but it depended on  the area people lived in as it does now. They are making longhouses and adobe houses and we have looked at other types of houses. We have done a lot of turkey math involving counting, shapes and addition and they have made some beautiful turkeys. 

I hope that you will be able to join us on November 22 for our program, we will sing a few songs and the children can show you their projects. It's at 12:30, families are invited. (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins siblings) The children are very proud of the bread they baked and are excited about sharing it with you.

Donation Requests

large paper bags (best kind has handles like Trader Joes) 

Ziploc baggies-all sizes 

soft tissues, tis the season

We will be doing a gingerbread math and literacy unit in December, more requests for decorating will follow.
His name is Albuquerque Turkey, you will hear about him on Tuesday.
I am thankful for my family and getting to spend time with all your wonderful children!