Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fire Safety 10/13 

A huge thank you to all our firefighters and all you do! 

Thank you for spending your time with our children!

 Learning about the equipment.

Everyone got to go on the fire truck. 

 Firefighter's son modeling the uniform as it is explained to the children.

 Yay, it's Sparky!

Thank you, Captain for reading stories. 

 Sitting on Daddy's lap while we learn about the importance of safety plans.

 Sparky win's the center of attention again!

 Practicing crawling under smoke.

 Everyone gets to Stop, Drop, and Roll!

Everyone had a lot of fun and learned a lot of important safety information!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

 2nd Annual


at Stratham Hill Park 

Saturday, Oct.14th
Presented by
Stratham Parks and Recreation &

Monday, October 2, 2017

October 3, Tuesday

Trip to the music hall. Please feed children a big breakfast, there will be no snack time. We will eat lunch when we get back so it is probably a good idea to pack a big lunch also.



These are some pictures taken over a few days. We get to see morning work, recess, lunch and music class. As the computer cooperates, I will add more pictures.
Friendly Reminder; No school Monday, October 9th.