Sunday, September 27, 2015

Frog Class News 9/25/15

Happy Fall!

What a wonderful beginning of the year! The children are starting to fall into the routines with ease.
Thank you for helping them determine what is snack. A lot of them have brought in a change of clothes which is very helpful in case of accidents. I see lots of sneakers in their cubbies which will be even more helpful once boot season begins.

Our Cider Hill Field Trip is a fun trip. The children are looking forward to it. There is no limit on chaperones and younger siblings are welcome. We will meet you there because only the students and teachers are allowed to ride the bus.

We have been talking about the life cycle of apples and how the weather affects them. We will be doing some fun art projects, reading stories, science projects and math with the apple theme.

We did a fun science project today. Ask your child if pea pods all have the same amount of peas...they know the answer. We explored and shared our findings.

We have practiced writing F&E in handwriting and have practiced the phonics sounds of p&b. Our word of the week was, a. We are learning about ten frames, tally marks and graphs in math. We are also working with our calendar binders.

We have been learning about school rules. We have talked about keeping everyone safe and using kind words. A copy of the frog class rules will come home in your child's folder. Please review them with your child. 

Please remember to put all notes and papers in your child's folder because otherwise they could drop an important note in the hall or outside. Mrs. Howland empties the folders every morning.

 Upcoming Events

Handwriting letters: D&P
Phonics: t&d
Sight word: he
Song: The Numeral Song by Dr. Jean
Cider Hill Field Trip-10/7
No School-10/12
Music Hall Field Trip-10/14

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