Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016

April News

You should have already received a copy of your child's math assessment. I am only blogging once this month because I am meeting with all of you to discuss the wonderful progress of each of your children. 
You have received a copy of your child's progress report. It is only for the purpose of reporting attendance.  Please keep the progress report and return the signed envelope only.
Our froggy pizzeria has opened this week and the children have done a lot of preparation for the grand opening. They made paper pizzas and menus and have order forms for the wait staff to fill out. They have a lot of fun with this center and we will make English Muffin pizzas next week. I have sent home an email with a request for donations.
We are studying poetry in language arts and the children made some adorable pigs for an art center and then we wrote pig poems.
Next week we will write a poem about a piece of fruit. I will ask you to send in a piece of your child's favorite fruit on Tuesday. We will draw a picture of it and write a poem using all our senses.
The children always have a lot of fun with their second grade buddies. The buddies had a wax museum featuring fairy tale characters. It was a huge success. We got to act out little skits with puppets when we visited them last week. (look on Flikr)
Upcoming Events

Jump Rope for Heart - Friday, 4/22 at 10:00 (parents are welcome to come swing a rope)
April Vacation - 4/25 - 4/29
Bike to School - 5/6
Early Release - 5/18
Makers' Fest - 5/19
May Celebration - 5/24
No School - 5/30 Memorial Day
Grandparent Luncheon - 6/6
Field Day - 6/9 (looking for volunteers)
Tentative Last Day of Kindergarten -6/14

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